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Doctors Said I'd Be Bound to a Wheelchair But I Found a Way to Dance Again
I Danced All the Way to His Office to Show Him That He Was WRONG
Here’s How I Fixed My Crippling Neuropathic Foot Pain Once and For All - Without Visiting Doctors, Spending Money on Therapies, or Poisoning Myself With Painkillers
By Dr. Jacob | Oct 28, 2023 | 11:11 am EDT

It’s funny how quickly our lives can change.
One day, I was running around with my children.
The next day, I was nailed to my chair, crippled by neuropathy.
My doctor told me on more than one occasion that there was nothing he could do to cure my neuropathy.
He just kept prescribing me a bunch of painkillers and pretty much told me that I should get used to living in constant pain.
But I just couldn’t accept it.
And it ruined my life.
Every contact with the floor felt like stepping on a thousand needles.
And the very thought of going to work and standing for hours at a time made my feet spasm.
The Biggest Pain Isn't My Burning Feet – It's Watching My Girls Suffer...

My bright-eyed 20-year-olds pause their lives to pick up the pieces of mine.
I feel depressed and sometimes so angry I am this way. I feel like I am failing as a father..
But I didn’t know how else to live with this pain.
Only one thing I knew for sure - my doctors weren’t going to help me.
So I started searching the internet, looking for an alternative solution.
And before long, I discovered a man that seemed to have the answer.
That’s When I Met Dr. Jacob, a Renowned Expert on Neuropathy

He explained that the nerve cells in our feet - just like every other cell in our body - require a continuous supply of oxygen in order to function properly.
This oxygen enters the body through the lungs, goes straight to the heart, and then gets delivered around the body through the bloodstream.
This system works perfectly - until we start getting older.
That’s because ageing causes a reduction in total body water - which results in less fluid in the bloodstream and lower blood volume.
The less blood there is in the body, the harder it is for the heart to deliver sufficient amounts of oxygen to all the cells in different body parts.
This gets even worse if you have diabetes because excess blood sugar decreases the elasticity of blood vessels and causes them to narrow.
…Which further slows down blood flow.
And since your feet are the furthest from the heart, the delivery of oxygen starts taking longer and longer…
…Until the nerve cells in our feet start suffocating and dying off - causing that burning pain, unbearable tingling, and ultimately numbness.
Your Doctor Has Probably Prescribed You Gabapentin or Lyrica For Your Neuropathy - But That’s Actually The Worst Thing You Can Do.

Why? Because painkillers are only numbing the pain while doing absolutely nothing to stop your nerve cells from dying.
As Dr. Jacob explained…
It’s like if your car was making a lot of squeaky noises because you are out of oil - and you just turned up the speakers so you don’t hear it.
You are just turning a blind eye to the real underlying problem.
Pain and tingling are warning signs your body is sending you…
…And you should stop neglecting them before it’s too late.
Finally, Dr. Jacob Told Me That There’s ONE Way to Reverse Neuropathy

…And that is to increase the blood flow in the feet.
"It's actually so simple!" - Dr. Jacob said.
If you can increase blood flow to your feet so the nerve cells get the much-needed oxygen, your neuropathy will be gone for good.
But how do you do it?
Traditional medicine would suggest that the way to increase circulation is to move around more.
However, moving is the last thing we want to do when we are in pain.
So… What’s the solution?
I asked Dr. Jacob the same question.
And that’s the first time I heard these words:
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
This New Breakthrough Technology Fixes Blood Circulation Issues and Reverses Neuropathy in Mere Weeks

Dr. Jacob partnered up with a health technology startup called Kenko Back to create the first massager that uses Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS).
The word "transcutaneous" means "through the skin," which is exactly how this therapy works – by delivering gentle electrical pulses through your skin to your nerves.
This technology sends a unique combination of targeted electric impulses deep into the tissue of feet and instantly kickstarts blood circulation…
….While at the same time triggering all the right nerves in your feet and promoting the regeneration of damaged nerve cells.
…All without moving or even leaving your chair.
This means that within a few days, the nerves in your feet can repair and heal, eliminating the burning pain, tingling, and numbness…
…Allowing you to get back to the things you love again.
…Without constant foot pain and swelling trapping you in your own body.”

I can’t thank Dr. Jacob and Kenko back enough!
Every time I feel even the slightest discomfort in my feet, I attach the massager to my feet and it stops the pain dead in its tracks.
My loving daughter finally get their young adult lives back and i am no longer a burden,
By the end of each massage - which takes less than 15 minutes - any pain and discomfort are completely erased and I can go about my day.
And since it’s so compact, I can take it anywhere I go and treat myself with a quick massage whenever I feel pain - regardless of where I am at.
And let me tell you, it’s the single best investment I’ve ever made.
So if you are struggling with any type of foot or leg pain,
Bottom line: I strongly recommend that you try the TENS Device by Kenko Back! It's called NerveMassager and it's been a game-changer on my fight against neuropathy.
I’m confident that it’s going to change your life just like it changed mine.
Here’s How to Use The NerveMassager for Best Results

Follow these 5 simple steps
Step 1: Connect the wires and the patch
Step 2: Insert the wire into the top interface of the machine
Step 3: Tear off the protective film of the patch
Step 4: Place the two patches flat on the massaged area
Step 5: Turn on the machine, select the massage method, and adjust the massage intensity
The pain will begin to fade.
The tingling sensation will slowly disappear.
And you’ll find yourself standing, walking, and even running without any discomfort - something you thought you’d never be able to do again.

Here’s What to Do Next
Click that big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.
It’s going to take you straight to Kenko’s official, encrypted website.
There, you will get a special one-time deal reserved for first-time customers. (As much as 50% OFF)
Again, all you need to do is click the button that says “GET 50% OFF” and your discount code will be automatically applied.
From there, you’ll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information.
…And select how many NerveMassagers you want.
I suggest you do AT LEAST two, because the more you get the bigger the discount you receive (you can save as much as 67%!)
That’s because Kenko Back saves a lot of money on shipping if they put more products in one box, and they are happy to share those savings with you.
So whenever you are ready, click the big green button below and order your NerveMassager today at 50% OFF (or more)
Wilma Devon
Can anybody vouch for this?
Mary Vernon
I love it. Easy to use and easy instructions. Perfect for cordless. It's great.
Doris Skylar
I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!
Skyler Greig
How long does shipping take??
Marie Campbell
Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.
Leonard Boyd
I Absolutely love this device! The different settings are fantastic. It's light weight. It's so easy for me to tote this around with me. Can pop it on when I'm working and need some relief and it doesn't get in the way! No cords pulling on me. Some of the nurses I work with have placed their orders now too! Thank you so much! This device is a life saver!
Emma Emerson
Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of pain killers
Lois Clive
Wow, this is crazy, have ordered two pcs now!
Alfred Johnson
Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it
Edith Ashton
For me 7 business days.
Debra Peyton
Love this massager. Wireless so I can wear it anywhere. Very powerful.
Paula Remington
Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?
Sarah Dudley
Yes, It comes well packed and I have used this for several weeks. It fits on my legs comfortably. I like the size and how it feels when I use it. The vibration massage can work for my pain and helps a lot.😇
Agnes Graeme
I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.
Barbara Bradly
I want one so bad!
Ethel Dean
Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.
Clara Milton
Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week
Emma Shelby
Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift
Harry Keegan
This product is wonderful! For anyone that has ever used a older model TENS unit, you get all tangled in the wires and if advised to use it while working to reduce flare ups, it's impossible if you have a job that requires, lots and lots of movement. This product frees you up from everything, allows you to use the product safely. Thank you to whoever created this product.
Bridget Prescott
Love this massager totally!
Anna Madison
I was a skeptic ... Have bought one and was positively surprised. This is worth it. I’m an educator and often wanted to bring my TENS unit to school, but the wires are cumbersome. This unit is great and is just as powerful as my wired one! Two other teachers got them right away and love it!
Clara Milton
I absolutely love my massager, had to get one for my daughter today since she wont stop using mine!
Kate Orson
OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time
Isabella Mayson
Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight.

4.8 | 1,897 Reviews

Extremely effective for osteoarthritis

Activates muscle pressure, relieves discomfort

Adjustable massage intensity to suit capability

Healthier legs in just 30 days or your money back

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